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Grants and Awards 

FAST recognizes that educators across our state are going above and beyond with teaching science.  Now is a great time to apply for the many awards and grants that FAST offers.  The Classroom Grant Application is open and takes less than eight minutes to complete.  Try it out for yourself here and see how long it takes you to complete the form. There are also Travel Grants available for those that want to attend the conference.  The Travel Grant application takes less than eight minutes to complete also.  Would you like to nominate an amazing science educator? How about nominating yourself?  We have several educator awards on the Grants and Awards Page.  You can send your application through email or the mail.  Members, log in to nominate yourself!  

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You will find the current Newsletter as well as past newsletters and journals. Also, you will find the applications for grants and other member information. Just sign in with your email and password and click MEMBERS ONLY TAB

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Welcome to our web site.

The Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST) 

is the state's largest 501(c)3 non-profit professional organization.

The Board is a group of volunteers with the purpose of supporting science teachers around the state of Florida. 

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If you know your email address you used to registered with FAST but you do not have a password, just enter your email in the top field above and click change password. Follow the direction sent to you by email.

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